From Wordpress to Ghost

More and more, developers seem to be switching to static page CMS's like Jekyll/Octopress, Pelican, and ghost. I am no exception. After some research, Ghost became my new choice due to it's sleek interface and overall simplicity. Ghost runs on Node.js, but Github Pages, from where my blog…

Where are (and were) your Friends?

I have just uploaded my latest web app which allows users to visualize their Facebook friends on a Google Map, either by current location or hometown. Friends can be filtered by friend lists. I’m sure has been done many times before, but I enjoyed developing it. Finally got to…

What if you could Drive as Fast as an Airplane?

I have somewhat of an answer for you! While driving from the Grand Canyon to Las Vegas this past weekend, I figured I had the perfect opportunity to tackle this question. So I propped my GoPro on the dashboard of our rental car, set the cruise control to 80 mph…

Official Launch of

Well, I had the domain registered a while ago, and I’ve been working on this wordpress layout for the last week or so, but now, just like a finely-tuned engine or a freshly-baked loaf of bread, the site is running smoothly and it’s ready for the world to…